About Us

Kevin Kelleher & Emily Trinh are a photography duo based in San Francisco. Originally from Boston and Vietnam, the pair joined forces in 2018 to create a unique visual voice at once explosive and elegant. From intimate portraiture to hard-hitting photojournalism to fashion editorial, their passion for visual story transcends genres leading to a continued connection with a diverse range of subject matter and communities. Their work has been featured in Vogue Business, Fortune, SFGATE, Hearst Media, SF Examiner, The Los Angeles Times, ETC Magazine among others. 

Selected Awards

San Francisco Press Club 2021 Greater Bay Area Journalism Awards

First Place: Magazines/Trade Publications: Feature Layout Design, “Etc. Magazine, Fall 2020, “Sustainably Stylish””, Etc. Magazine

Second Place: Newspapers-Non-Daily: Photography / Feature, “The Consistent Week’s 1st Ever Virtual Fashion Show”, The Guardsman

Second Place: Newspapers-Non-Daily: Photography / News, “New Chancellor Values All Input”, The Guardsman

San Francisco Press Club 2023 Greater Bay Area Journalism Awards

First Place: Cover Design, “2021 Fall and Spring Issues”, Etc. Magazine

First Place: Photography/Feature, “Art Finds a Way – Front Cover”, Etc. Magazine

First Place: Photo Series, “Inked: Meet Sanjay, the man behind the press”, Etc. Magazine

Int'l Photography Award 2023

Professional - Honorable Mention

American Photography AP39

Selected Winner

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